My Connections to Play

My Connections to Play

 “Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.”

-Kay Redfield Jamison (professor of psychiatry)

hot wheelsswing setBarbieWalking home

I smiled as I took time to reflect on my playtime as a child and enjoyed remembering the sandbox towns and roadways we created for our hot wheel cars, trying to go so high on the swing set that the legs on the set would start to lift, spending hours creating Barbie houses out of cardboard boxes, and creating an imaginary story in my head as I dawdled home from school.  Playtime was spent mostly with siblings and neighborhood friends and most of it was spent outdoors.  My mother shooed us outside and didn’t expect us back until suppertime.  She didn’t arrange play dates.  Instead we knocked on doors and asked if our friends could come out to play.  Boundaries were set as to how far we could go and what we could and could not do and yes, sometimes we broke them.  The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” held truth as we were respectful to all adults and all adults did not hesitate to put us in line if needed.  I remember sitting high amongst the branches many times and hearing from below, “You kids shouldn’t be climbing that tree so high!”  Adults gave us time to be free and enjoy our play with limits that were meant to keep us safe. I spent little time playing with adults.


“Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take the walls away”

– Erin Kenny

Each day I drive home and rarely do I see children walking home from school or playing outside. Our world has become a very different place where parents drive their children to and from school and much of our children’s playtime is spent in organized activities and indoor pursuits. I have been so inspired to bring outdoor play back to children that I have currently worked with my administration to extend our kindergarten class time in order to make time for daily recess. I have also initiated conversations regarding creating an outdoor play space (mud kitchen and all!) for our early childhood programs. I am very excited about this possibility and the opportunity it will give children to have healthy, active, and creative experiences!

 “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”           – Fred Rogers

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” 
― Alan Wilson Watts

Play is joyful learning that engages a child’s body, mind, and spirit. As adults, it is our responsibility to provide opportunities for children, and perhaps even ourselves, to experience play. Imagine your life for a moment, if your work felt like play to you. Imagine the joy, passion, and fulfillment your day would bring. Imagine the growth in understanding you would acquire. Imagine the excitement you would feel as you began each day. Imagine the contentment and peace in spending your day doing something you love. Imagine if you could spend your days playing!

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