Hopes and Goals

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

My hope is that my personal journey of new understanding and self reflections continue to go beyond the walls of this classroom so that I can continue to build a strong understanding of how to support diversity in our learning environments and advocate for equity and social justice within these environments and that of our communities. I am hopeful that I can be a positive influence in the development of children’s understanding of equity and social justice and the power that they have in creating social change.

 Mandela Quote

Change comes slowly, but what change does occur is a step forward in achieving the goal of a world that supports and celebrates our diversities and the richness that it brings to each one of us. I encourage each person that works towards the goal of social change to celebrate each moment of success. Each of these little moments are goals achieved and make a big difference in the individual who has been supported, celebrated, and empowered through this work.

 Social Change quote

Image from http://www.ethicalgifts.net.au/inc/sdetail/2145

Thank you to Dr. Ferrari and each of my colleagues. Your willingness to openly share and discuss personal issues relating to diversity, inequity, and injustice has had an incredible impact on my journey and personal growth. It is inspiring and encouraging knowing that we are not alone in our work to make this world a better place for the children and families we serve. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities I have been given to get to know each of you better and I am hoping and looking forward to continuing our studies together.  

 Margaret Mead quote
